AES/Counter-terrorism: Coalition of terrorist forces, a new deal for the enemies of peace?

In recent weeks, the forces from the member countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) have faced increasingly organized terrorist coalitions that have intensified their attacks across the region.


The combined efforts of the Sahelian nations—Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger—underscore the mounting challenges in combating these coordinated threats.


The Armed Forces of Mali (FAMa) recently engaged in fierce combat in northern Mali, confronting a coalition of terrorists determined to undermine regional stability.


Concurrently, in Burkina Faso’s Centre-East region, significant operations between July 31 and August 1 resulted in the death of at least one hundred terrorists.


The Nigerien Armed Forces also reported a successful operation in the Tillaberi region last week, neutralizing over 46 terrorists and arresting 31 others.


These incidents reflect a strategic shift among the terrorists, who are increasingly banding together to launch coordinated attacks.


Their aim is to weaken the military forces of AES member states and gain ground for their benefactors.


This escalation highlights the resilience and effectiveness of the AES forces, who are pushing back against these threats with renewed determination and enhanced capabilities.


The AES armed forces are continuously enhancing their operational capacities, as evidenced by their recent battlefield successes.


The establishment of a joint force within the Confederation has further intensified efforts against terrorist groups, who now find themselves increasingly on the defensive across the Liptako-Gourma region.


In response to these threats, there are reports that terrorists and their accomplices plan to involve local communities in their destabilization efforts, aiming to incite community, religious, and ethnic conflicts within the AES member states.


This tactic is designed to further complicate the security situation and challenge the effectiveness of the regional forces.


Recognizing the gravity of the situation, AES leaders are taking proactive measures to stay ahead of their adversaries.


The involvement of religious leaders and community heads in the fight against terrorism is seen as a crucial step in ensuring the failure of these destabilization attempts.


The coordinated efforts and community engagement reflect a comprehensive approach to maintaining peace and security in the region.


As the AES continues to bolster its military and strategic capabilities, the ongoing commitment to regional collaboration and community involvement remains central to their success in countering the evolving threats posed by terrorist coalitions.


Maurice K. ZONGO