AES Confederation: Heads of diplomacy work to make the joint organisation operational

The foreign ministers of the Sahel Confederation are working diligently to implement the organization’s diplomatic roadmap. From the outset, the leaders of the AES Confederation expressed a strong desire to collaborate on diplomatic matters within their newly established common space.


This has led to a coordinated diplomatic approach among the member states of the Confederation.


The recent ministerial meeting, the first of its kind since the formal creation of the Confederation on July 6th in Niamey, exemplifies the commitment of the leaders of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger to speak with one voice in both regional and international forums.


Following significant groundwork by senior officials in drafting policies and actions, the foreign ministers’ meeting was essential to refine these proposals, ensuring the full operationalization of the Confederation’s diplomatic framework.


The aim is to strengthen the coordination of their diplomatic efforts and harmonize their stances on key issues.


The foreign ministers emphasized that the ultimate goal is to establish a unified diplomatic approach, enabling them to present a cohesive front in defense of their common interests and the well-being of their peoples.


As the vision of the founding heads of state of the  AES Confederation gradually takes shape, it is paving the way for enhanced security, integrated development, full sovereignty, and shared prosperity across the Sahel region.

Maurice K.ZONGO

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