Accra / Ouagadougou: Nana Akufo Addo, appointed to challenge the rise of the MPSR

Isn’t it said that Africa’s misfortune comes from Africans? After Côte d’Ivoire, which was chosen as a neighbouring country to undermine the Malian authorities, it is now Ghana’s turn to curb the rise of the SDF in Burkina Faso, which in just two months of the MPSR’s power, is on the verge of achieving a feat, that of putting an end to terrorism.

Yes, Nana Akufo Addo, is making his money and power deal, to endorse the killings of his neighbour, Burkina Faso by terrorist groups. How much did the Ghanaian President get from his bars to indulge in such lies? What is the promise made to Nana Akufo to create the invented path of an arms embargo, or even an economic one? Has the Ghanaian President decided to sacrifice the relations of the two countries for his own selfish interests? It is the turn of the Ghanaian people to show their solidarity with the people of Burkina Faso by mobilising enormously to condemn this deceitful interference by President Nana Akufo.

The Burkinabe people must stand up as one to give an adequate response to the Ghanaian President and give a warning to the international community, because behind this outburst of the Ghanaian President, a plot is hidden.