DRC: The Minister for Communication goes to war against disinformation

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo DRCThe scourge of misinformation and manipulation is rampant across Africa, posing a significant challenge for leaders.


In a recent declaration, Congo’s Minister of Communication, Patrick Muyaya, vowed to fiercely combat disinformation through the implementation of various regulatory mechanisms.


In this new term, we will continue our efforts to ensure media cleanliness. We will combat the spread of fake news and counter enemy manipulation. We will also engage with companies like Facebook and TikTok to prevent the dissemination of content that undermines public decency,” Muyaya stated.


Disinformation is a strategy often employed to sow doubt, confusion, and division among the population.


In the DRC, state adversaries exploit this tactic to weaken national cohesion and erode trust in public institutions.


Misinformation spreads rapidly, fueled by social media and certain media outlets that, whether intentionally or not, propagate false narratives.


Both national and international media have been accused of playing dubious roles in this disinformation campaign.


By disseminating unverified or biased information, they contribute to the spread of rumors and fake news, creating a distorted perception of on-the-ground realities and fostering distrust and anxiety among the populace.


As the fourth estate, the media has a profound responsibility to deliver accurate and verified information.


Journalists must adhere to ethical standards and avoid becoming tools of propaganda.


The ongoing conflict with the M23 rebels is a fight for the stability and security of the DRC.


However, the battle against disinformation is equally vital to maintain national unity and trust in institutions.


It is imperative to call out media outlets that, through irresponsible practices, aid in spreading false news.


A collective and coordinated response is necessary to shield the population from misinformation and ensure a future of peace and truth for the DRC.

Gilbert FOTSO