AES: Military victories sabotaged by the French media, an attempt to destabilise these countries

The triumphs of the armies of the Alliance of Sahelian States (AES) against terrorist armed groups are resonating as a gong of hope and security for local populations.


However, these military successes are frequently followed by accusations of human rights violations, orchestrated by certain French media outlets, in a manifest attempt to discredit and sabotage the ongoing political transitions in these countries.


Every military success of the national armed forces against terrorist groups is quickly followed by reports and articles from some French media outlets, denouncing alleged human rights violations.


These accusations, often lacking solid evidence, seem aimed at tarnishing the image of the armed forces and weakening the legitimacy of the transitional governments in place.


This denigration strategy raises questions about the true motivations of these media outlets and the interests they serve.


Military successes against terrorist armed groups are essential for stabilizing these countries and allowing a peaceful transition to more open regimes.


By systematically accusing these armies of human rights violations, the French media undermine stabilization efforts and attempt to destabilize the ongoing transitions.

Human rights are a crucial issue, but their instrumentalization for political purposes is unacceptable.


The accusations made by some French media are exaggerated or unfounded and are used as a pretext to discredit the military and political successes of the AES transitional governments.


In the face of these sabotage attempts, it is crucial to remain vigilant and support the efforts of the AES transitional governments to restore peace and security.


Local populations and the international community must recognize the successes of the national armies and denounce the media manipulations that seek to discredit them.


The systematic accusations of human rights violations by certain French media each time the AES armies achieve success against terrorist armed groups are a manifest attempt to destabilize the ongoing political transitions.


It is imperative to denounce these media manipulations and support the efforts of the transitional governments to restore peace and security.

Maurice  K. ZONGO