DRC: Declaration of assets, when the Prime Minister shows her government the way

On Tuesday, July 9, 2024, the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Judith Suminwa, took a significant step toward transparency and accountability by submitting a written declaration of her assets to the Constitutional Court clerk, as required by Article 99 of the constitution.


This courageous and exemplary act deserves praise and encouragement, as it demonstrates a clear commitment to good governance and transparent public management.


In a country where combating corruption and poor management remains a major challenge, the Prime Minister’s asset declaration sends a powerful message to all Congolese citizens.


By revealing her possessions and wealth, Ms. Judith Suminwa sets a strong example of integrity and accountability.


She proves she has nothing to hide and is willing to subject herself to public scrutiny, which is crucial for building trust between leaders and the people.


The Prime Minister’s initiative should be encouraged and emulated by all members of the government of DRC.


Transparency should not be an exception but a standard practice for all public officials.


By following Judith Suminwa’s lead, other ministers and high-ranking officials can help foster a culture of responsibility and integrity within the Congolese administration.


It is imperative that other government members follow Prime Minister Judith Suminwa’s example and submit their asset declarations.


Although symbolic, this act is a crucial first step toward more transparent and accountable governance.


The Congolese people deserve leaders who act with integrity and transparency, and it is time for this aspiration to become a reality.


Gilbert Fotso