Burkina Faso/Transition: President Ibrahim TRAORE to meet his compatriots on Thursday

A national meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, bringing together President Ibrahim Traoré, and the key stakeholders of the nation.


This meeting follows the National conferences held on May 25, which extended the transition period by an additional five years.


President Ibrahim Traoré, who places significant importance on the aspirations and expectations of his fellow citizens, aims to outline the transition’s future priorities.


He also seeks to gather feedback and suggestions from the people to guide the nation’s journey towards comprehensive freedom and sovereignty.


The people of Burkina Faso have entrusted their leader with the destiny of their beloved country.


It is thus crucial for the nation’s foremost patriot to engage with his compatriots, collaboratively setting the mechanisms to achieve security, reclaim the entirety of national territory, and promote effective and sustainable development.


According to official sources, the President will deliver an important message at the meeting at the “Palais des Sports” in Ouaga 2000 on Thursday, July 11.


He will present his vision for the next five years of the transition and emphasize the need for the unwavering support and involvement of the Burkinabe people to fulfill his mission.


In addition to his address, the meeting will provide a platform for the nation’s stakeholders to offer their proposals.


These contributions are vital for building a peaceful, sovereign, and prosperous nation.