DRC: Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi makes a determined commitment to national security

Since assuming the presidency of the Democratic Republic of Congo, H.E Félix Tshisekedi has placed national security at the forefront of his agenda.


In a bold initiative to ensure the free and safe movement of citizens throughout the country, President Tshisekedi has issued unequivocal directives to his new government.


This administration is now charged with focusing its efforts and resources on significantly enhancing the state’s ability to secure its territory and protect its people.


The President has mandated the allocation of a substantial portion of the state budget to fortify the nation’s security infrastructure.


Specifically, over the next five years, 20% of the annual budget will be dedicated to this crucial initiative.


This strategic decision is aimed at equipping the security forces with the necessary tools and resources to effectively address the myriad security challenges facing the country, thereby fostering an environment conducive to peace and prosperity.


President Félix Tshisekedi’s unwavering commitment to national security is already bearing fruit.


The intensified efforts have led to marked improvements in the security landscape of several regions, enabling citizens to travel freely and safely.


This freedom of movement is vital for the economic, social, and cultural development of the Democratic Republic of Congo, facilitating connectivity, commerce, and growth within communities.


Looking to the future, H.E Félix Tshisekedi remains resolutely dedicated to making national security a cornerstone of the DRC’s development strategy.


Through targeted investments and judicious management of resources, the President aims to build on the progress achieved, while proactively addressing emerging security threats.


This forward-thinking approach ensures that the Democratic Republic of Congo continues on a trajectory of enduring stability and inclusive growth.


Gilbert Fotso