Burkina Faso: A new destabilisation plan underway in the Land of Honest People

Burkina Faso is currently facing a renewed threat orchestrated by those opposed to its freedom and sovereignty.


Despite President Ibrahim Traoré’s steadfast strategy against terrorism-driven destabilization attempts, adversaries of Burkina Faso are devising new schemes to sow chaos and division among its people.


Misinformation has become one of their primary tools. These adversaries exploit French media channels to spread falsehoods and rumors, aiming to create confusion and breed distrust within the populace.


Their ultimate aim is to weaken our nation internally by fostering mistrust and discord.


It is imperative for Burkinabe citizens to remain vigilant against these manipulative tactics.


Fact-checking information before believing and sharing it is crucial to prevent lies and disinformation from undermining our country’s stability.


Our unity stands as our greatest asset, striking fear into the hearts of those seeking to harm our nation.


During this critical juncture, all Burkinabés, along with our Armed Forces and Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), must stand united behind our leadership, particularly Captain Ibrahim Traoré, who tirelessly works for Burkina Faso’s stability and security.


National unity remains the key to thwarting the plans of our adversaries. Together, the Burkinabe people have demonstrated their resilience and ability to overcome adversity, proving that unity is our strongest shield against external threats.

Moussa KAFOU