Ministry of Transport rallies against corruption with new Workshop

On Monday, May 27, 2024, the Ministry of Transport, Urban Mobility, and Security held a workshop to enhance efforts in combating corruption. This event gathered all ministry personnel to promote good governance and equip leaders with strategies to prevent and tackle corruption effectively.

According to a recent ranking by the National Anti-Corruption Network (REN-LAC), a department within the Ministry of Transport ranked fifth among the most corruption-prone services.

In response, the workshop participants committed to implementing the workshop’s recommendations with unwavering dedication.

Minister Roland Somda emphasized the power of awareness in combating corruption, stating that it educates, prevents, and fosters transparency and citizen participation, thereby creating an environment conducive to integrity.

Supported by REN-LAC, the workshop aimed to familiarize participants with the legal and institutional framework for fighting corruption, identify various forms of corruption within the ministry, and devise effective strategies to combat them.

«This workshop is an opportunity for us to exchange experiences, share best practices, and propose concrete solutions to strengthen our anti-corruption mechanisms. We will hear from experts, engage in group work, and contribute to developing relevant recommendations», stated Minister Somda.

He urged his colleagues to be beacons guiding Burkina Faso towards a future free of corruption.

«Our commitment and example can transform institutions, change mindsets, and establish a culture of responsibility and trust», he stressed.

President Ibrahim Traoré highlighted the importance of fighting corruption alongside the battle against terrorism.

«The anti-corruption drive has begun for 2024, and strict measures will be enforced for proven cases of corruption and laxity in public administration», President Traoré declared at the start of the year.

Olivier TOE