Burkina Faso/Transition: In a patriotic spirit, Captain Ibrahim TRAORE and his team enhance the image of their Homeland

Burkina Faso shines on the global stage today, thanks to the efforts of its transitional authorities who are diligently working to transform the country into a promising land within a few years. Since Captain Ibrahim TRAORE took power, all sectors, especially priority areas, have undergone significant changes.

With his government team, President of the Transition Captain Ibrahim TRAORE is steadfastly committed to restoring peace and stability and steering the country of the upright towards harmonious and sustainable development.

This commitment has been accompanied by concrete and beneficial actions across various domains.

The impact of these actions is evident, but what stands out most is their significant effect on the image of this West African country, once considered extremely dangerous.

The audacity, determination, and dynamism of the transitional authorities, coupled with a patriotic spirit, have presented a new image of Burkina Faso to the world.

The results of the actions and decisions taken by these authorities have garnered admiration and curiosity from people outside the country, particularly investors and tourists.

Many have already visited Burkina Faso, witnessing a different situation, and many more are eager to do so.

For investors, the fear of doing business in Burkina Faso has diminished. Recently, the country led by Captain Ibrahim TRAORE raised more funds than anticipated on the UMOA financial market to finance development projects.

Today, Burkinabe authorities take pride in the progress made in improving the business climate.

Significant reforms have been implemented to encourage private investments aimed at wealth and job creation.

Last year’s achievements include 67.23% completion of reforms to create favourable business conditions in the country.

This demonstrates the commitment of Burkinabe authorities to make their country an attractive destination for all, thereby drastically transforming the economy and improving the living conditions of citizens.

An unwavering support for this transition and an unconditional adherence to its vision are essential for achieving the objectives and meeting the expectations of the Burkinabe population.

Maurice K. ZONGO