Niger asserts its sovereignty: Withdrawal of US troops by mid-September

The Nigerien government has taken a decisive step to strengthen its sovereignty by demanding the departure of US troops from its territory. This demand was confirmed by the Pentagon, which announced the withdrawal of US forces from Niger by mid-September at the latest.

According to the US Department of Defense, a withdrawal deadline has been set for September 15.

This decision follows several days of intensive meetings between US and Nigerien officials held from May 15 to 19.

The Pentagon issued a statement last Sunday to outline the details of this agreement.

Despite the imminent withdrawal of US forces, Nigerien authorities have expressed their willingness to maintain future cooperation with Washington.

A senior US official emphasized that the discussions have left the door open for potential collaborations ahead, particularly in the realm of counterterrorism efforts.

In April, the United States had already agreed to withdraw its troops from Niger. Currently, just under 1,000 US soldiers are still stationed in the country.

This withdrawal marks a significant step in affirming Niger’s sovereignty while also hinting at opportunities for future partnerships between Niamey and Washington.

Read again:  Niger: The CNSP breaks the military agreement with the United States, marking a turning point in the national security dynamic

Olivier TOE