Burkina-Faso: Launch of the competition for the civil service, the transition accelerates the employability of young people

In addition to combating terrorism, the transitional government is also addressing the issue of youth employment as part of its agenda. President Ibrahim Traoré has initiated measures aimed at creating jobs for the youth to actively contribute to nation-building.

Alongside these reforms, the transitional government is announcing massive recruitment drives for the public service sector.

Through the relevant ministry, the Burkinabe state is commencing registrations for direct public service entrance examinations.

Divided into two phases – one for higher education levels (High School Diploma and above) and the other for those below the High school Diploma level – this examination aligns with the transitional government’s commitments to strengthen the public administration and accelerate youth employability.

Beyond bolstering the public administration, this public service examination serves as a solution to address unemployment rates.

Upon assuming office, the Head of State pledged to gradually tackle the issue of youth unemployment in Burkina Faso.

This examination launch marks the beginning of a series of reforms aimed at enhancing youth employability.

See also: Burkina Faso: Ouagadougou town hall workers express their gratitude to Captain Ibrahim Traoré for the regularisation of their jobs

Maurice K. ZONGO