Africa/AES: A new breakthrough in the fight against terrorism, discovery of hidden weapons in Niger

In the relentless fight against terrorism in the AES zone, the Nigerien authorities show no signs of wavering. Road checks and systematic searches throughout the country have become an essential routine to counter the enemy’s threats.

This strategy by the authorities of the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland (CNSP) is starting to yield results by enhancing the vigilance and resilience of the security forces.

Responding to this firmness, the Defense and Security Forces recently discovered a new weapons cache in the northern part of the Termite locality, located in the Tesker department, Zinder region.

This discovery marks the third finding of its kind made by the military in power, thus demonstrating their unwavering commitment to combating terrorism and arms trafficking.

These undeniable results attest to the effectiveness of the measures implemented so far by General Abdourahamane Tiani and his men.

They also reflect the Nigerien army’s unwavering dedication to ensuring Niger’s security by relentlessly pursuing terrorists and strengthening prevention and response capabilities against such threats.

Moussa KAFOU