Burkina Faso: Captain Ibrahim Traoré, makes military operations more dynamic in the fight against terrorism

The President of the MPSR, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, chairing the weekly meeting of ministers on Wednesday, did not hide his desire to make military operations more effective, as part of the fight against terrorism. An air base will be created within the national armed forces in order to achieve its overarching visions, to put terrorists out of Burkina Faso.

According to Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President of the MPSR, the new air bases will be responsible for the operational preparation of people and equipment able to participate in the execution of the missions assigned to the air force. With the creation of these air bases, the Army aims to increase its responsiveness to counter terrorist assaults in these two areas of Burkina Faso.

The President of the MPSR also passed a bill on the institution of volunteers for the defense of the homeland, with a view to incorporating the new doctrine of their employment. The President of the MPSR also passed a bill on the institution of volunteers for the defense of the homeland, with a view to incorporating the new doctrine of their employment. This will involve taking into account the national level in the territorial jurisdiction of the VDP, providing for the development of certain provisions that make it possible to create and give a legal framework to the Brigade of Volunteers for the Defence of the Fatherland, and improving the conditions of the VDP on the terrain.

The President of the MPSR, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, proceeded to the appointment by decree of Lieutenant-Colonel DIAOUARI Ismaël Kiswensida, of the national armed forces at the head of the General Staff and Mr. Abdoulazize BAMOGO, communicator, President of the High Council of Communication.

As part of the strengthening of security, police stations are being opened in various localities with the aim of bringing the security services closer to the population in case of need.

Miss OLY