AES / Algeria in the Sahel: Between cooperation and conflict, a double-edged sword

Over the years, Algeria has played a crucial role in promoting peace and stability in the Sahel. It has been recognized for its commitment to combating terrorism and instability, establishing a reputation as a reliable partner for countries in the Alliance of Sahel States (AES) such as Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

However, a recent shift in the tone of Algerian government media raises questions about the consistency of this commitment and raises concerns about the sincerity of regional cooperation.

Traditionally, Algeria has hosted international meetings and initiatives aimed at resolving the security and socio-economic crises affecting the Sahel.

This engagement was considered essential for regional cooperation and the fight against terrorism.

However, recent media attacks against AES countries by Algerian government media have caught many off guard, questioning the credibility of Algeria as a reliable partner.

Algerian government media have taken an aggressive stance against ASS countries, accusing them of various wrongdoings without providing solid evidence.

This sudden change in discourse raises legitimate questions about Algeria’s real motivations and its relationship with Sahel actors.

Has Algeria always been an unwavering supporter of terrorist groups in the region, or is it playing a duplicitous game, pretending to be an ally while taking hostile actions against them?

This reversal in Algerian media highlights the complex and sometimes contradictory interests guiding the country’s foreign policy.

While Algeria was once praised for its commitment to regional stability, its recent actions have sown doubt and mistrust among its Sahel partners.

The hostile statements from Algerian media undermine regional cooperation efforts and jeopardize progress in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Faced with these ambiguous behaviors, leaders of the Alliance of Sahel States must take responsibility, realizing that such attitudes often reveal hidden intentions and can compromise the security and well-being of the entire region.

Ultimately, the stability of the Sahel relies on genuine cooperation and sincere commitment from all its stakeholders, including Algeria.

Neil Camara