Côte d’Ivoire: The Right Honourable Adama Bictogo in Marrakech, invites Europe to a South-South partnership.

The Right Honourable Adama Bictogo, took part in the opening ceremony of the annual conference of RENEWAPAC in Morocco on 5 December 2022. President Bictogo called for a new partnership between Africa and Europe. He also stressed that world leaders are aware that only free people can ensure prosperity for the planet.

In this sense, Mr Adama Bictogo called on Europe, which by history and geographical proximity remains Africa’s first partner, to establish a new deal in the EU-Africa relationship, so that this partnership benefits future generations. President Adama Bictogo deplored the backwardness of democracy in several African countries. This state of affairs can be explained by : This state of affairs is explained by “the threats to peace and stability that are becoming increasingly visible”, he argued. Consequently, Mr. Adama Bictogo invited the participants to look into the causes of the democratic backsliding in order to propose deep and lasting solutions.

Welcoming the dynamic relations between his country and Morocco in all areas, Mr. Adama Bictogo said that several Moroccan companies have settled in Côte d’Ivoire over the past ten years in several sectors, including infrastructure, banking and hospitality.

This high-level meeting is the first since the pandemic. The African politicians present did not hide their dissatisfaction and called for a redefinition of ties with Europe on a new basis.

The Rt Hon Adama Bictogo, had also participated in the Africa and Middle East 2022 regional meeting of the Open Government Partnership, which took place in November 2022 in Marrakech. The objective of this meeting was to harness open government approaches to strengthen public service delivery.

The RENEWPAC conference is an international organisation of liberal and democratic political leaders. During the two-day conference, Members of the European Parliament, Ministers, Speakers of National Parliaments, parliamentarians and distinguished guests focused on sustainable economic development, prosperity for citizens and future generations, solidarity, peace and security, protection of fundamental rights for all, gender equality and women’s empowerment, respect for democratic principles, good governance and the rule of law, climate change and the fight against inequality.

Miss OLY