Burkina-Faso: Council of Ministers / Review of the VDP law.

Captain Ibrahim Traoré chaired the weekly meeting with members of the government on Wednesday 7 December 2022. The meeting focused on several important issues, including that of WTP.

The security issue being always the priority of the policy of the Head of State, the first issue examined during the Council of Ministers was the Volunteers for the Defence of the Fatherland (VDP).

Under the Ministry of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation and Security, the Council adopted a draft law on the institution of Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland with a view to integrating the new doctrine of their employment. The adoption of this text is a review of the 2020 bill, said the Minister Delegate to the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Security, Mahamadou SANA. The revision of this law will allow for adjustments to be made.

These include “taking into account the national level in the territorial jurisdiction of the VDP, the provision of certain provisions that allow for the creation of a legal framework for the Brigade of Volunteers for the Defence of the Homeland (BVDP)”, explained Minister Sana. The text also takes into account “the improvement of the conditions of the VDP in the field”, he said.

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