Burkina Faso: The Burkinabe diaspora in Côte d’Ivoire, proud of the progress of the MPSR.

Following very closely the political and security situation in their country of origin, the Burkinabe Diaspora of Côte d’Ivoire, through the voice of some leaders gathered this Monday, December 5 in Abidjan, Cocody, 2 Plateaux, have congratulated the transition authorities led by President Ibrahim TRAORE.

Speaking, Mr. Idrissa Ouedraogo, Secretary General of ADBC, a collective of more than a hundred Burkinabe associations in Côte d’Ivoire, said he was proud today to have patriots at the head of Burkina Faso.

For the secretary general, it is now that all Burkinabe, those in the country and in the diaspora, must come together to support the actions of the MPSR, which in just two months, have proven that they are really there to reclaim the national territory.

Speaking in turn, the president of the collective made a strong appeal to the defence and security forces of Burkina Faso. President Mounouni Kaboré, a resident of the commune of Marcory and president of the young Burkinabe of this commune, said, “We ask forgiveness of our valiant soldiers, not to let themselves be manipulated by politicians. The defence and security forces must be united, they must refuse all forms of manipulation, understand that it is together that they will give a better future to the children of the country. Also, the FDS must be united, they must be indivisible and finally welded behind President Ibrahim TRAORE”.

Several presidents of different associations, members of the collective, expressed their joy at seeing Burkina Faso finally on the road to pacification and the reconquest of the national territory. They said they were aware that the task was very difficult, but for them, the will, the courage and the decisions taken by the members of the MPSR and President Ibrahim TRAORE, were a hope for the people. All congratulated the transitional authorities and encouraged them to move forward.

Miss OLY