Burkina-Faso: ICRC and Faso certify their commitment thanks to H.E. Olivia Rouamba

The head of Burkina Faso’s diplomacy, H.E. Olivia R. Rouamba, met on Monday 5 December with Mr Gilles CARBONNIER, vice-president of the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC. The objective was to reaffirm and certify the commitment of the ICRC to the Red Cross of Burkina Faso. This attestation will enable Faso to benefit more from the ICRC’s humanitarian assistance to the Burkinabe people who are victims of armed violence.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabés Abroad, H.E. Olivia Rouamba, is stirring the pot for a prosperous Burkina Faso. Indeed, the main objective of the ICRC for Faso is to regulate the conduct of the security situation facing the country. Its mission is essentially to protect and assist certain categories of people affected by these armed conflicts that are disrupting the peace of the sons and daughters of the country of men of integrity.

Given that Minister Rouamba, with her great curiosity and astonishing intelligence, is snooping around and getting into everything in the hope of finding real external partnerships and bringing real results for the success of the transition, she has turned to the ICRC, which from now on will be even more active in the sectors of health, agriculture, livestock farming, and access to water in the remote provinces.

The ICRC president said: “We appreciate this constructive collaboration with the Burkinabe government and we have increased the budget and the level of humanitarian investment in Burkina Faso in view of the difficult context it is experiencing.

H.E. Olivia Rouamba thanked the ICRC for its multiple support to the efforts of the transitional government in essential sectors, in order to make Faso a country of peace, looking towards a bright future. Rouamba nevertheless addressed the issue of the principles of international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions. They remained ordinary in the face of the protection of the civilian population’s property during this painful situation.

As a reminder, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian organisation founded in 1863, after the Crimean War (1853-1856) and especially the Battle of Solferino (1859). Born of a private initiative (Henri Dunant) and constituted as an association under the Swiss Civil Code, it carries out international action to defend international humanitarian law. More broadly, the ICRC raises awareness of the principles of international humanitarian law among States, and more particularly among the various parties to a conflict. In 1864, it initiated the drafting and signing of the first Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field.