DRC: President Félix Tshisekedi, a new term to continue major works

Before an audience of African heads of state and a massive crowd of Congolese at the Martyrs Stadium in Kinshasa, President Félix Tshisekedi solemnly swore to defend the Congolese constitution, maintain its independence, and protect its territorial integrity during the swearing-in ceremony. Thus, Félix Tshisekedi embarks on a second five-year term, promising it to be a quinquennium of restoring peace and stability to Congo.

In doing so, he commits to an unprecedented fight against the M23 rebels supported by Rwanda, through the reorganization of the army in accordance with the developed military strategic plan.

Beyond the security challenge that the son of the historic opposition figure Etienne Tshisekedi is tackling, he also promises to address social issues such as unemployment, purchasing power, economic inflation, national cohesion, and issues related to women and youth.

It’s a significant undertaking awaiting the Congolese president, and he is fully aware of it.

 However, the task won’t be difficult for the Congolese leader as he plans to build on the achievements of his first term in the highest office in the country.

This quinquennium is one of continuity in major projects. He intends to draw «lessons from past experiences and consider the aspirations of the people to prevent the mistakes of the past from recurring».

The challenges of President Félix Tshisekedi are outlined in six axes: protecting household purchasing power and stabilizing the exchange rate; ensuring the security of the national territory; diversifying the Congolese economy; guaranteeing access to healthcare and strengthening the efficiency of public services.