Burkina-Faso: Captain Ibrahim Traoré, President and safe haven against terrorism.

In Burkina-Faso, terrorist attacks have not only decreased but are increasingly foiled thanks to the sharp sense of combative instinct of the Chief of the Armed Forces, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, whose advice and directives continue to be effective on the ground. The proof is that an attack against the gendarmerie of Houndé, on the night of Tuesday 22 to Wednesday 23 November 2022 was “vigorously” repelled.

According to local sources, the attack targeted the territorial brigade of the gendarmerie in Houndé, a province of Tuy in the Haut-Bassin region.

Thanks to promptness and tactical reinforcement, the unidentified gunmen were routed.

No human lives were lost on the side of the Burkinabe defence forces.

But one thing is certain, the armed groups fled following the fierce counter-attack by the FDS.

The assailants were forced to abandon some equipment on the spot.

The Accra initiative had decided to deploy 2,000 soldiers to Burkina Faso out of a contingent of 10,000 men.

It is urgent with the recruitment of FDS, initiated by Captain Ibrahim Traoré, to provide sufficient equipment to give this force the means to fight against terrorism.

For information, four (4) assailants were neutralized in an attack in the locality of Tougan, Thursday, December 1, 2022 according to local sources.

A policeman was killed according to the same sources.

The effort of Captain Ibrahim Traoré to rout the enemy is one of unfailing determination.

As a result of this determination, old state vehicles have even been refurbished for the mobility needs of SDF troops on the ground, in order to speed up the reconquest of territories still under threat.