Burkina-Faso: More than 340,000 IDPs have returned home

The various measures taken by the President of the Transition, Ibrahim Traoré, to combat terrorism have proved effective, and continue to yield positive results.The commitment and determination of the fighting forces in the reconquest of the national territory is gradually enabling thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to return to their homes.

Speaking on Friday 15 December 2023 at the 16th session of the National Council for Emergency Relief and Rehabilitation (CONASUR), Nandy Somé, the Minister for Humanitarian Action, announced that 343,383 people who had fled the war had returned home by 30 November 2023.

Under the theme «Innovative strategies for the sustainable resilience of returned, integrated or resettled internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities», CONASUR brought together a number of stakeholders to discuss the national recovery strategy for IDPs and host communities for the period 2023-2027, as well as the challenges and prospects for crisis prevention and management.

Alain Akpadji, Acting Resident Coordinator of the United Nations system in Burkina Faso, called on partners to take action, given that only 52% of needs are covered by available resources.

The coordinator pointed out that they had nevertheless managed to reach 36 difficult localities thanks to thanks to the support of the government.

The terrorist threat facing Burkina Faso for the past eight years has caused the displacement of 1.7 million people and the closure of schools and health centres.

Captain Ibrahim Traoré came to power on 30 September 2022 and made the fight against terrorism his priority, declaring a general mobilisation on 19 April 2023.

This mobilisation led to an increase in the size of the fighting forces, and the acquisition of a number of the latest generation of combat equipment, which enabled the intensification of offensives against the terrorists, who have now lost all reference points on Burkinabe territory.

The many victories scored by the fighting forces herald a new era for the country of men of integrity.

Read again: Burkina Faso: FAARF launches project to rehabilitate internally displaced women

Olivier TOE