President Ibrahim Traoré drives intensive efforts to end terrorism in Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, the battle against terrorist groups has intensified, with the Burkinabe army escalating its offensives under the leadership of Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Captain Ibrahim Traoré. In response to the war imposed on the country by imperialists and their local collaborators, who are now unwelcome in the land, President Traoré is dedicating all his energy to bring about an imminent end to terrorism.


Addressing the nation on the 63rd anniversary of Burkina Faso’s independence, President Ibrahim Traoré delivered a resolute criticism of imperialists responsible for looting the country’s wealth and instigating the terrorist order that has brought devastation to the population.


«That’s the end of it», declared Captain Traoré, announcing stringent measures to reorganize the armed forces for an intensified counter-terrorism effort.


To this end, twelve rapid intervention battalions and two airborne intervention battalions have been established, some already deployed on the front lines, while others stand ready for action.

Notably, one airborne intervention battalion is stationed in the Boromo area, and another is positioned in the Koudougou area.

President Traoré emphasized that Burkina Faso has moved beyond the introductory phase of the war against jihadists, calling on the resilient population to redouble their efforts in supporting the fight to reclaim the territory.


«There will be a series of measures affecting both public and private sector workers, as well as companies, impacting their gross interest. These measures aim to increase the bonus for our valiant Volunteer Defense Patriotes (VDP) by at least 35% and provide them with life insurance», stressed President Traoré, highlighting the commitment to adequately reward those on the frontline of the battle against terrorism.

Maurice k. ZONGO