Côte d’Ivoire: The ban on energy drinks, a contested decision at the heart of economic struggles

The recent ban on energy drinks in Côte d’Ivoire is raising questions about the real motivation behind the decision. Although presented as a proactive measure to safeguard public health, an in-depth analysis reveals a complex picture in which economic rivalries between the manufacturers of these drinks and the authorities as arbiters play a central role.

The virulent criticism of energy drinks appears to be orchestrated by rival companies, fuelling a media campaign aimed at discrediting these products.

Claims of harm to health, particularly among young people, raise doubts as to their sincerity, suggesting that they may be motivated more by economic interests than by genuine concern for the well-being of consumers.

The major concern lies in the idea that this ban is more the result of a power struggle between companies and the authorities than a genuine desire to protect public health.

Decision-making that bypasses established legal procedures raises questions about the integrity of the decision-making process and opens the door to outside influence and even corruption.

This situation highlights the complex issues facing economic sectors, where government regulation can be used as leverage in commercial competition.

Consumers find themselves caught in the middle of this economic battle, with potential implications for their freedom of choice when it comes to consumption.

It is becoming crucial to conduct a transparent and impartial assessment of the real health risks associated with the consumption of these energy drinks.

Furthermore, it is imperative to restore confidence in the decision-making process and ensure transparency in relations between companies and the authorities in order to guarantee the protection of public interests and the health of citizens.

Read also: Côte d’Ivoire: suspending energy drinks isn’t the solution, Tramadol still on the market