South Sudan: elections in December 2024 Depend on Crucial Decisions

The political situation in South Sudan is taking a crucial turn as the country aims to hold elections in December 2024. For the United Nations Mission in the country (UNMISS), credible elections would require critical decisions by the South Sudanese parties, leaders and stakeholders.

Indeed, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan has stated that a consensus on these crucial decisions must be reached by the first quarter of 2024 to ensure that the electoral process runs smoothly.

While the reconstitution of key electoral bodies, such as the National Elections Commission, has been welcomed, UNMISS stresses the need to provide them with the necessary resources quickly to make them operational.

«Elections are not a one-day event, but a process involving deliberate decisions before, during and after the polls», UNMISS stressed, highlighting the importance of full Southern Sudanese ownership and support, particularly in a country in post-conflict transition.

South Sudan, which became independent in 2011, has faced significant challenges since the end of the civil war in 2018.

Elections, originally scheduled for February this year, were postponed due to the failure of the Government of National Unity of Salva Kiir and Riek Machar to comply with key clauses of the agreement.

In addition to electoral concerns, UNMISS has expressed concern at the recent violence in the Abyei administrative area and Warrap State.

It urges the government to adopt peaceful measures to resolve these disputes and stresses the need to put in place transitional security arrangements.

In conclusion, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan highlighted the humanitarian emergency in the country, exacerbated by the influx of returnees and refugees fleeing the conflict in neighbouring Sudan, reduced funding, climate change, and the continuing risks to humanitarian workers.

South Sudan’s long-awaited democratic transition remains an essential objective if the country is to achieve lasting stability and prosperity.