Burkina Faso: Crucial advances at the Council of Ministers meeting chaired by Captain Ibrahim TRAORE

Captain Ibrahim Traore, President of the Transition and Head of State, chaired a pivotal Council of Ministers meeting in Burkina Faso, where substantial strides were made in the Transition’s smooth operation. Government spokesman Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo announced the adoption of crucial measures in various sectors.

In the Ministry of Digital Transition, Posts, and Electronic Communications, the Council greenlit a decree mandating electronic communication service operators to retain traffic and location data.

This revision, endorsed by Dr. Aminata Zerbo/Sabane, aims to streamline data retention, aiding judicial investigations by specifying information collection, retention parameters, and imposing time limits for legal requests.

Additionally, the ministry advanced a preliminary draft law on securing information systems, offering a legal framework for cyberspace and regulating activities of system security service providers.

The Minister for Town Planning, Land Affairs, and Housing presented an oral communication on city situations regarding security and humanitarian concerns. Faced with urbanization challenges, the Council directed the establishment of an interministerial committee to craft a strategic plan for territorial reconfiguration.

Public health updates on the dengue epidemic were delivered by the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene. While the epidemic is controlled, the Council mandated increased resources for health professionals, particularly in hospitals, to enhance severe case management.

In the Ministry of Communication, Culture, Arts, and Tourism, four decrees implementing the April 2021 Orientation Law were adopted.

 These decisions pave the way for enhanced professionalization in the tourism sector, fostering conditions conducive to increased investment.

These decisive actions underscore Burkina Faso’s commitment to progress and stability during this transitional period.

Related article: Burkina Faso/Adoption of the bill on the reform of the Higher Council for Communication

Maurice K. Zongo