Algeria: United Nations Day, October 24: CNDH calls on the UN not to endorse Ethnic cleansing in Gaza

On the eve of United Nations Day, the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) raised its voice in Algiers, calling on the UN to use all means at its disposal to put an end to the ethnic cleansing being carried out by Israel in Gaza.

Faced with the tragic situation in the Gaza Strip, which portends a multidimensional catastrophe with serious consequences, the CNDH, in a statement on the eve of United Nations Day, reminded that the UN bears full responsibility for these tragedies.

The statement added that the United Nations must do everything in its power to halt this unprecedented escalation in the violation of international humanitarian law.

The CNDH emphasized the urgent need for the UN to immediately intervene to provide full humanitarian support to the people of Gaza and save them from the systematic and deliberate extermination by the Israelis.

According to the CNDH, the United Nations must take the initiative to prepare a global and inclusive meeting to negotiate a solution that will enable the realization of a lasting and just peace and the establishment of a free Palestinian state on Palestinian land with Jerusalem as its capital.

In the lead-up to the celebration of United Nations Day on October 24, which is also a celebration of human rights, the CNDH questioned the responsibility of this global organization in what is happening in the Gaza Strip, as all its relevant resolutions are ignored and the world watches in horror the crimes committed against the Palestinian people, the deterioration of the humanitarian situation, and the persistent and deliberate targeting of defenseless civilians by the Zionist Entity.

The deprivation of Palestinians of means of subsistence such as energy, food, medicine, and water, the forced displacement imposed for over 70 years, the bombing and destruction of hospitals, mosques, and churches are not only acts prohibited by international humanitarian law but also a blatant and unprecedented violation of all human rights charters and conventions and all rules of international law, including the United Nations Charter, concluded the CNDH.

Neil Camara