Burkina Faso/Egypt: A direct air service will soon link the capitals of these two friendly countries

At the end of his mission in Burkina-Faso, the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Ibrahim El Khouli, bid farewell to President Ibrahim Traoré on Friday 13 October. The audience was an opportunity for the Head of State and his host to discuss the state of cooperation between Burkina Faso and Egypt.

Relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries are at a high level, particularly in the fields of security, military affairs, development and training.

«As far as training is concerned, the number of courses that Egypt has made available to Burkina Faso’s brothers and sisters has steadily increased in recent years in all areas», said the ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt at the end of the visit.

According to the diplomat, Egypt supports the transition «in its fight against terrorism, in its fight for stabilisation and complete independence, and in its fight against any act that could destabilise this country, which is so dear to us», he said.

During the meeting, the two personalities also discussed the prospects for strengthening the Ouagadougou-Cairo route.

 To this end, Mr Ibrahim El Khouli announced that a direct line between Burkina Faso and Egypt is being studied.

«In a few weeks’ time, we could have the first direct flight between Ouagadougou and Cairo», said the ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Maiga Dao