Burkina Faso / President Ibrahim Traoré’s alleged negotiations with terrorists: Fake news

Allegations have been circulating that President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso is engaged in negotiations with terrorist groups active in the region. It is essential to stress that these allegations are completely unfounded and are intended to sow confusion and discredit the government of Burkina Faso.

Ibrahim Traoré, President of Burkina Faso, has been firm in his stance on terrorist groups threatening the peace and stability of his country.

He has repeatedly stated publicly that he is determined to fight terrorism intransigently. His priority is the security of the nation and its citizens.

He has also repeatedly stressed that his government will not tolerate any form of negotiation with terrorist groups, as this would only strengthen their position and compromise the security of Burkina Faso.

The story that secret negotiations are taking place with terrorists and that a huge sum of money has been accepted is purely fictitious and devoid of any proof.

It is important to remember that such allegations only serve to sow mistrust and confusion among the population.

This is precisely what President Ibrahim Traoré criticised his predecessors for, when they handed over money to terrorist groups in order to guarantee the holding of the elections.

The reality is that Burkina Faso’s security forces are working closely together to counter the terrorist threat to the country.

 They are facing considerable challenges and are showing exemplary dedication to protecting the nation.

President Ibrahim Traoré is committed to maintaining peace and stability in Burkina Faso.

Allegations that he is using negotiations with terrorist groups for political ends are totally unfounded.

His priority is to preserve the security of his country, and he is determined to put an end to the terrorist threat hanging over the region.

It is essential that people remain vigilant in the face of such rumours and refrain from spreading them. Misinformation only serves to weaken the fight against terrorism. President Ibrahim Traoré continues to face these challenges with courage, determination and an unwavering commitment to the security of his people.

Maiga DAO