Burkina-Faso: Boulevard Charles de Gaulle changes name to Boulevard Thomas SANKARA

Burkina-Faso is paying tribute to the father of the nation, revolutionary president Thomas Sankara, on the 36th anniversary of his assassination on 15 October. From this Sunday, the boulevard Charles De Gaulle will bear the name of Thomas Sankara. The commemoration was announced at the Council of Ministers meeting held in Ouagadougou on Wednesday 11 October 2023, chaired by Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The Boulevard Charles de Gaulles in Ouagadougou will be renamed Boulevard Thomas Sankara from 15 October.

This was announced by Government Spokesman Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO at the end of the weekly government meeting held on Wednesday 11 October.

On this date, Burkina will once again remember the assassination of former president Thomas Sankara, through a major commemoration «placed under the very high patronage of the President of the Transition will be marked by strong acts in tribute to the father of the Revolution», said the government spokesman at the end of the Council of Ministers.

The activities planned for this date engraved in the annals of Burkina Faso include the laying of wreaths and a ceremony to officially elevate President Thomas SANKARA to the rank of Hero of the Nation.

«In addition, the foundation stone will be laid to mark the start of work on the Thomas SANKARA mausoleum», said the Government Spokesman.

The commemoration of the 36th anniversary of the assassination of the revolutionary president will also be marked by the renaming of the Boulevard Charles de Gaulle, which will be known as the Boulevard Thomas SANKARA from 15 October 2023.

As a reminder, it was on 4 October 2023 that the transitional government decided to elevate him to the rank of «hero of the nation».

The status of hero of the nation was created in June 2022 to honour people who have distinguished themselves by their «exceptional bravery in the defence of a national cause” or their “exceptional and honourable prowess for the nation».

Thomas Isidore Noêl Sankara was an anti-imperialist, revolutionary, communist, environmentalist, feminist, pan-Africanist and third-worldist statesman from Volta, then Burkina Faso, who was Head of State from 1983 to 1987.

For his patriotic, Pan-Africanist and anti-neo-colonialist commitment, President Ibrahim Traoré is today considered to be the embodiment of this great man, who left his mark on his brief tenure at the head of Burkina Faso.

Boulevard Charles De Gaulle was renamed Boulevard Thomas Sankara on Monday 27 November 2017.

An act taken by the movement «Two hours for Kamita» on the occasion of the contested visit of French President Emmanuel Macron.

Olivier TOE