Burkina Faso / Dawn of victory: President Ibrahim Traoré’s fighting forces triumph in the north of the country

In a major operation early on Thursday morning in the vicinity of Séguénéga, the Fighting Forces under the command of President Ibrahim Traoré won a decisive victory against a group of well-armed terrorists. Burkina Faso’s intelligence services played a key role in foiling a large-scale plot to attack the Forces in the north of the country.

The attack, planned by around a hundred heavily armed terrorists, had a surprising outcome.

The criminals thought they would rest before surprising the fighting forces at dawn, but exactly the opposite happened.

At dawn, aircraft targeted the area, reducing several sleeping terrorists to ashes, along with their motorbikes and weapons.

The survivors trying to hide under the trees in Selyerdo did not escape the relentless pursuit of the forces.

The ground units then proceeded to sweep the area, discovering several charred bodies and recovering a large haul of war material.

The battle was a resounding success, but the forces are continuing to hunt down the stray soldiers to force them to lay down their weapons once and for all.

This operation demonstrates the determination of the forces under the command of President Traoré to fully reconquer the national territory and protect innocent lives.

It also highlights the effectiveness of Burkina Faso’s intelligence services in the fight against terrorism.

While the war continues, the hope persists that these fighting forces will continue to roll back the forces of terror and bring peace to the country.

Olivier Toe