Burkina Faso: What game is commander Zoungrana François of the gendarmerie playing?

In the army, obeying orders is a golden rule. However, something most unusual has happened. Major Zoungrana François, head of the special gendarmerie unit, is said to have broken this rule by publishing an article in the newspaper «L’Événement» without any authorisation from his superiors. What kind of game is Major Zoungrana François playing?

The timing of this publication is anything but trivial. At a time when Lieutenant-Colonel Kouagri Natama, the new Chief of Staff of the gendarmerie, had just taken up his post with the task of restoring confidence within the institution, Major Zoungrana François apparently chose to make his voice heard in an unconventional manner.

In his article, the commander refers to the essential role of the Burkina Faso gendarmerie in the fight against terrorism, a subject already widely recognised and appreciated by the people of Burkina Faso.

 Indeed, the gendarmerie is doing a remarkable job under difficult conditions to ensure the nation’s security.

However, the fundamental question remains: why has Major Zoungrana François chosen to speak publicly without authorisation?

Was it an act of defiance towards the new Chief of Staff, or an attempt to destabilise harmony within the gendarmerie?

In a military institution, hierarchy and unity are essential pillars to ensure the smooth running and security of the country.

His actions raise questions about his loyalty to his chain of command.

In the army, obeying orders is a golden rule. However, something most unusual has happened.

Case to be followed…

Maiga Dao

