Burkina Faso: What you need to know about Mahamadou Bonkoungou’s patriotism and commitment to his country

Mahamadou Bonkoungou, a billionaire entrepreneur from Burkina Faso with a diverse career spanning trade, household appliances, the gold mining industry, and, since 1988, the construction and public works sector through the EBOMAF group, has dedicated himself to serving his country’s peace and stability despite his busy schedule. However, his genuine patriotism is sometimes perceived negatively by some.

In the old popular wisdom, it is often said, «You only throw stones at a tree that bears fruit».

This saying finds a tangible illustration in the unwavering commitment of the CEO of the EBOMAF group, Mr. Mahamadou Bonkoungou, to the security and stability of Burkina Faso in the face of the terrorist threat.

But why is there so much hatred and opposition towards this man?

Instead of openly discussing his contributions, some adversaries have chosen to resort to insidious attacks and attempts at denigration.

Their strategy has recently shifted towards manipulating the media, sometimes publishing fictitious articles and emphasizing the proximity between the CEO of the EBOMAF group and the current regime, all for purely profit-driven motives.

Unfortunately, some media outlets have played a role in spreading these questionable pieces of information.

However, it is hardly surprising that such actions are orchestrated by those whose past is tainted by gangsterism, thuggery, and open criminality.

Who benefits from this smear campaign?

It is evident that this campaign aims to push Mr. Mahamadou Bonkoungou to disengage from his support for the authorities of his country.

It is essential to recall that these defamatory actions are the result of desperate individuals willing to do anything to maintain their influence, even if it means tarnishing the reputation of a man working for the nation’s good.

For many observers and opinion leaders, the transitional authorities of Burkina Faso and the CEO of the EBOMAF group should continue to ignore these criminals and focus on reclaiming national territory in line with the people’s will and the vision of President of MPSR, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

The road to peace and prosperity requires determination and unity, and those unwilling to embark on this journey should be set aside for the good of the Republic.

Ultimately, the current authorities of Burkina Faso and Mr. Mahamadou Bonkoungou should not be distracted by these baseless accusations.

Instead, they should ensure that those responsible for these malicious acts are brought to justice before the appropriate authorities while staying focused on the crucial task of restoring peace and security in the country.

Country comes first, that is the motto of those who aspire to a better Burkina Faso.

Maurice K. ZONGO