Niger: Demonstrators celebrate the departure of the French ambassador

Another demonstration in Niamey, Niger this time to celebrate the departure of the French ambassador, but also to demand the definitive withdrawal of French troops from the country.

Addressing the public on national television, the President of the transition, General Abdourahamane Tiani, reassured the people of Niger that the authorities were preparing for the departure of the French troops.

According to him, «not only have the French not driven out the terrorists, but there are more and more of them». «If we turned a blind eye to this», the «country might one day disappear, so we decided to take action because people were not listening to their military advisers», he declared, justifying the coup d’état.

President Tiani announced that Niger was considering «future relations with France», the principles and bases of which would be dictated by Niger.

Disappointed by the French troops who pretended to settle in Niger to fight terrorism, the states decided to take their destiny into their own hands, hence the signing of the Alliance of Sahel States between Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali.

This alliance will consist of a joint fight against terrorism and mutual assistance in the event of a threat from a country belonging to the alliance.

These days, Africa can only count on itself. It has decided to take its destiny into its own hands, which has led to the denunciation of several colonial agreements.  Africa now wishes to express its sovereignty by laying down the bases and principles of any new cooperation, for win-win benefits.

Fayçal BADIE