Burkina Faso/ Attempted coup: Accomplice Officers arrested

In a press release dated Wednesday September 27th, 2023, Burkina Faso’s transitional government announced that an attempted coup d’état had been foiled on Tuesday 26 September. This was the umpteenth attempt to destabilise Ibrahim Traoré’s government.

What circulated on social networks like wildfire, about a coup d’état in the making, and which drove thousands of Burkinabe into the streets on the night of Tuesday 26 to 27 September, turns out to be an attempted coup d’état against Ibrahim TRAORE and his transition team.

This umpteenth coup attempt against the Burkinabe state has once again been foiled by the Burkinabe intelligence and security services, according to a government press release. Several people, including four (04) officers involved in the attempt, have been arrested.

In a press release, the military prosecutor’s office stated that following reports of «a plot against state security» involving six (06) officers, two (02) of whom are still at large, it had immediately opened a detailed investigation to clarify the facts.

The vigilance, prudence and promptness of the authorities, their intelligence service and the defence and security forces are to be commended.

The patriotism and determination of the people of Burkina Faso to defend their interests and, above all, their unwavering support for the transition are also to be commended and encouraged.

Maurice K. ZONGO