Burkina Faso/Social: President Ibrahim TRAORE concerned about the welfare of minors

Since his arrival at the head of the country, the President of the transition, Ibrahim TRAORE, has constantly expressed his desire to improve the mining sector. A change that could enable the State to increase its revenue and the people of Burkina Faso to really benefit from the fruits of this sector, which is so vital to the country’s economic and social development.

In addition to regulating the framework and operations of mines, particularly gold mines, Burkina Faso’s Head of State is particularly interested in the living and working conditions of local people working in mining structures.

His primary ambition is to protect miners against possible incidents in the mines and also to enable them to take full advantage of the fruits of their labour and to flourish.

With this in mind, at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday 06 September 2023, President Ibrahim Traoré and his transitional government adopted a draft decree to improve the employment of nationals in the mines.

 This law essentially concerns the nomenclature of positions and the quota of local jobs according to the life cycle of mining companies.

In line with the application of the texts of the Burkina Faso mining code, this law benefits nationals in terms of employment in mining structures, further regulates jobs held by expatriates and at the same time contributes to the fight against unemployment, emphasised the Burkina Faso minister in charge of the mining and quarrying sector.

According to reports, Burkina Faso is one of the largest gold producers on the African continent, after Ghana and Mali.

The mining sector in Burkina Faso employs thousands of Burkinabè and contributes more than 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Maiga DAO