Ghana: Nana Akufor-addo reassure the population face thru the economic crisis..

The country of Nana Akufor-addo,is crossing a économic crisis périod thos last times..a crisis signalized by the outburst of the inflation rate and the life cost..the prices of goods and services,without forget the fuel,are cognized a rise within this period of 2 last month..
A march have been taking place the 05th november 2022 in the gbanaian capital town ..tbe protester of the civil society reclaim a reaction of the president Akufor-addo in face of the crisis in the country..dispatch to tbe medias before the march,the jurist Martin KPEBU declare that the free corruption and the bad bad management of the economy specify clearly that the gbanaian can’t wait for the 4 years warrant ending of the président..

<>,indicated M. martin KPEBU.

Face this situation,the president promised to restore the order on all the markets to against the depreciation of cedi. The president noticed his will to support the local production to reduce the dependence of imported produicts..he urged the ghahaian to support the government to do face to the inflation record and the collapse of the national device,especially in supporting his controverse decision to do plea to the FMI..

In a speech,the president Addo,have express on the economic situation of his country..”we’re in crisis,i don’t overdo when i said it..i don’t found an example in the history were so many vicious pith are togeter in same time..but as we had demonstrated in other circumstances,we’ll made this crisis to be a propriety to resolve not only the urgent problems at short-term,but also,the structural problems at lon-term which continues to disturb our economy ”,declare the ghahaian government header