Burkina Faso: Mrs. Olivia ROUAMBA remains Ministry of Foreign Affairs

By decree signed by the President of the transition, His Excellency Ibrahim TRAORE, Mrs. Ragnaghnèwendé Olivia ROUAMBA, is reappointed to her position as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and diaspora, this day, Tuesday, October 25, 2022, in the government formed by Prime Minister Apollinaire Joachim Kyelem de Tambela, himself appointed by the Head of State, on 21 October.

In the ongoing negotiations for the formation of this new government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and diaspora of the previous government, Mrs. Olivia R. ROUAMBA, with her accomplished experience in the diplomatic field finds his wallet.
The excellent bilateral and multilateral relationship that Burkina had with the countries of the North thanks to the dynamism and the patriotic know-how of the very experienced diplomat, Mrs. Olivia ROUAMBA, could experience new horizons and considerable progress in the integration of the country on the world chessboard.

A return to business by Mrs. Olivia ROUAMBA is also well received by regional and foreign commercial partners whose agreements have since remained in abeyance.

In addition, the Head of State, His Excellency Ibrahim TRAORE is to be congratulated for his choice of continuity, on this momentum of offensive diplomacy which Burkina Faso needs more than ever.