In Burkina Faso, the army is mercilessly inflicting heavy losses on terrorist forces. According to Burkina Faso News Agency (AIB), quoting security sources, the patriotic fighters have once again achieved a fine feat by eliminating around a hundred terrorists on several fronts.

Informed by intelligence services of the presence of around sixty terrorists holidaying near a small pond in the Oursi area, in the province of Oudalan in the Sahel region, in three pick-ups and on motorbikes, the armed forces had no trouble tracking them down.

 Using precision strikes, the armed forces wiped out a large number of them and destroyed their vehicles.

In the same region, the fighters spotted around forty terrorists on the Gorom-Gorom-Markoye road.

The armed forces tracked them to their base at Gagara, in the Salmossi area.

The aerial vectors then went into action and they were fatally hit by strikes.

Since August,7th 2023, the Volunteers for the defence of the homeland (VDP) have been engaged in a vast operation in the west of Burkina Faso, with the support of the 7th Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR).

According to security sources, several bases were destroyed in the provinces of Houet, Kénédougou and Cascades.

The fighting forces overcame the assailants after several battles, eliminating at least 65 criminals.

Materials belonging to the enemy, such as vehicles, weapons, ammunition, explosives, all kinds of military uniforms, foodstuffs, livestock, transmission equipment and much more were recovered.

The AIB also reports that a large quantity of drugs was destroyed.

The report also mentions five wounded members of the Patriotic Coalition, who are currently being treated.

Reconquest operations are continuing on several fronts across the country.

Olivier TOE