Niger: CNSP Authorities put an end to NGO Activities in Military Operations Zones

The Niger Government, presently under military control, declared on Thursday the prohibition of the activities of Non-governmental organisations NGOs and UN agencies within the areas designated for military operations.

Indeed, for several years, Niger has been plagued by violence and instability caused by various jihadist groups. Knowing full well the role played by non-governmental organisations in this instability, Niger’s military rulers have taken a useful decision.

Non-governmental organisations are not at least involved in the security situation in Niger.

Their inhumane actions in Burkina Faso and Mali are not to be trusted. The NGOs were passing food and war equipment to the terrorists.

The CNSP authorities in Niger have decided to avoid this scenario as far as possible.

The military in power in Niger have suspended the activities of all international organisations, including NGOs and UN agencies, in the regions where military operations are taking place.

This measure follows the increased commitment of the Nigerien armed forces.

According to an official statement issued by the Ministry of the Interior, the suspension is a direct response to the current security situation.

The deteriorating security situation in Niger has prompted the country’s military to take responsibility.

The ultimatum sent to Silvain Itte, the French ambassador in Niamey, expired on Monday 28 August.

Niger’s military rulers have just ordered the expulsion of the French diplomat from Niger.

In a letter to France, the Niger Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Sylvain Itte’s accreditation was no longer valid.

Fayçal BADIE