Togo: Synphot are doubling their efforts to deal with the shortage of blood in hospitals

The National Union of the Hospital practitians of Togo  (SYNPHOT) is increasingly concerned about the shortage of blood in the country’s health centres.

Faced with this situation, the union, in collaboration with the Social Universities of Togo (UST) and the National Blood Transfusion Centre (CNTS), launched a two-day campaign to collect blood bags in Lomé on Monday 28 August.

The situation is alarming. Many people in health centres are in urgent need of blood to survive, but can’t find any.

Road accidents are on the increase, requiring the availability of blood bags to help the injured.

Difficult socio-economic conditions sometimes account for almost half of the reasons for refusing to give blood voluntarily.

This reason seems to depend largely on the power attributed to blood on an individual’s health.

Some people fear that donating blood would upset their health, which they consider to be fragile due to their living conditions; others think that in these situations, their donation should instead be remunerated to enable them to access food capable of replenishing the amount of blood donated.

That’s why this campaign by the Synphot will be accompanied by awareness-raising sessions on the need to give blood, highlighting the benefits for both the donor and society as a whole.

«Come and give blood, don’t be afraid! It’s not a bad thing and it has no side effects on the human body. You have to do it to save lives. It’s also important to understand that blood can only be produced by the body, it can’t be made outside it».

Yoann Amouzou