Burkina Faso/Addressing to Emmanuel Macron, Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo says: « France is part of our problems»

«Without France’s “Operation Serval” and then “Operation Barkhane”, there would probably no longer be a Mali, a Burkina Faso and possibly a Niger».These revolting and insulting remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron about Burkina-Faso, Mali and Niger’s military operations in the Sahel can only fuel the growing anti-French feeling among the population. If France really played fair with its former colonies, it wouldn’t have come to this.

The people of Burkina Faso are more than convinced that the source of their problem is none other than France, despite its «alleged military cooperation».

«We are curious to know more about the results of the involvement of French forces, which would have enabled Burkina Faso to continue to exist. On the contrary, we are increasingly convinced that France is part of our problem», said Burkina Faso government spokesman Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo in response to Macron’s ravings.

Today the divorce is final and the people seem very determined. France must liberate all the countries it occupies for the sole purpose of plundering their resources, in complicity with these Heads of State who are neo-colonialists.

Olivier TOE

Read also: Niger: Alert! Alert! France insists on illegally attacking its sister country Niger for its own interests