Niger: The ECOWAS in its variable geometry policy

«We will not engage in lengthy negotiations with these military officers … We have taken this path in Mali, Burkina Faso, and elsewhere, and we have achieved nothing».This is the statement made by Abdel-Fatau Musah, Commissioner for Peace and Security of ECOWAS, in an interview with the Associated Press, discussing the three-year transition announced by the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Homeland (CNSP).

Is he speaking on behalf of the Heads of State of ECOWAS or at least the Heads of State in favor of military action in Niger, or is he speaking in his personal capacity? «The coup in Niger is one too many in the community», he continues.

ECOWAS maintains its democratic sermon with variable geometry. Endorsing a constitutional coup and denouncing another putsch.

Hasn’t it remained a spectator to the numerous constitutional coups in some of its member countries, allowing presidents to stay in power? Isn’t there a contradiction in its actions?

These remarks by the commissioner come a few days after an ECOWAS mission was able to meet General Abdourahamane Tiani in Niamey.

Some countries, like Algeria, have initiated a mediation mission with three ECOWAS countries in favor of military action in Niger.

Fayçal BADIE