Algeria:  President Tebboune called on ECOWAS to put an end to any military intervention plan in Niger

Algeria, strongly opposed to any military intervention in Niger, has taken diplomatic measures to ease the crisis by sending its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Attaf, on a tour to Nigeria, Benin, and Ghana. This initiative aims to resolve the  nigerien crisis through political means, avoiding an escalation that could impact not only Niger but the entire region.

Minister Ahmed Attaf, acting with the mandate of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, has initiated consultations with counterparts from these West African Economic Community (ECOWAS) member countries to find a concerted solution to the Niger crisis. The goal is to prevent the negative repercussions of a situation escalation and preserve regional stability.

Indeed, Algeria has a history of mediations and attempts to settle international conflicts, which enhances its credibility as an impartial mediator. President Tebboune emphasized his categorical refusal of any foreign military intervention in Niger, arguing it would pose a direct threat to Algeria. Aware of the disastrous consequences of past military interventions in other countries, Algeria seeks to prevent an escalation of the Niger crisis and protect regional stability.

«Look at where countries that have experienced military intervention are today», the Algerian head of state pondered, adding, «look at Libya, Syria».

Algeria’s geographic proximity to Niger, sharing a nearly 1,000 km border, reinforces its interest in a peaceful resolution of the crisis.

With neighboring Mali and Libya already grappling with deep crises, Algeria strives to prevent the opening of a third front on its borders.

It’s worth noting that the African Union (AU) suspended Niger’s participation in all AU activities until the effective restoration of constitutional order in response to the overthrow of their resource-exploiting partner, Mohamed Bazoum, by the new leaders of the CNSP on July 26.

Algeria’s initiative aims to prevent military intervention in the region and resolve the crisis using diplomatic means.

This approach highlights Algeria’s concern for peace and stability in the region, as well as its willingness to actively contribute to finding a lasting solution, unlike ECOWAS, an organization seen as influenced by France.