Africa: «Niger has no need of French politics», chanted the people

A number of French government statements have suggested that France may become militarily involved in Niger. France, without faith, intends to introduce an intra-African war that would produce a bloodbath, without the slightest assurance that it would improve the well-being of the people of Niger in the medium term.

Attempting to impose French policy on Niger by force is colonisation. This dictatorship is being swept away by the military in power.

It is not up to France to decide who should govern Niger.  Niger’s political destiny belongs to the Nigeriens themselves.

The ECOWAS leaders, who are French auxiliaries and who are thinking of destabilising Niger, have been warned by civil society organisations.

The military in power are fighting for total independence for Niger. This freedom was sold by former president Mohamed Bazoum to France.

In 2011, France made the biggest mistake of all in Libya. The use of military force in the name of democracy plunged Libya into chaos and ended up creating a regional catastrophe. The new authorities in Niger no longer want this situation.

The people of  Niger particulary, and those of Africa in general now have their doubts about France. They have begun to express their frustrations.

According to observers, France must stop trying to impose its policies on Niger by force.

 If the democracy that France was talking about really existed, France would respect Niger’s sovereignty and not want to destabilise it.

Patrice Gnatepe