Burkina Faso: Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s attack strategies reduce jihadist invasion

Terrorist incursions into Burkina Faso are becoming increasingly rare thanks to the Burkina Faso army, which continues to inflict heavy losses on these ill-intentioned individuals with no faith or law. This was the case earlier this week, when a group of jihadists was neutralised.

According to reports, terrorist elements made an incursion into the northern localities and tried to take away livestock.

In their manoeuvres, they were overtaken by a Burkinabe armed forces attack helicopter, which sent them into the next world.

Weakened from day to day by recurrent losses of equipment and men, the terrorist groups are trying to survive by stealing livestock, which is not without risk for them.

Teams from the armed forces, made up of the national police’s multi-purpose intervention unit, soldiers and VDPs, carried out a combing mission against the enemies.

In the Boucle du Mouhoun region, an ambush was set up by the 5th Groupement d’unité mobile d’intervention de la police nationale and the VDP.

The result was the neutralisation of around thirty terrorists  and the recovery of a large quantity of equipment by the Burkina Faso army.

The hunt for terrorists continues. The President of the Burkinabe revolution has taken all the necessary measures to put an end to this scourge on his territory. Under the leadership of Captain Traoré, security is gaining ground.

Neil Camara