Togo: Fishing prohibited at Nangbéto for the next 3 months

At Lake Nangbéto, it’s vacation time for professional fishermen. As a result, the Minister in charge of Fisheries, Kokou Edem Tengue, has given the order to halt all activities on the watercourse for the next 3 months. This prohibition of fishing activities aims to promote a biological rest period for fish reproduction.

«Fishing activities are prohibited on Lake Nangbéto from August 15th to November 15th», the Minister ordered.

The period of activity cessation at the lake corresponds to the biological rest period for fish reproduction, he stated.

Indeed, the biological rest period established at Lake Nangbéto is part of sustainable management measures.

Its objective is to allow the replenishment of fish resources in the lake, ensuring their sustainability for the benefit of present and future generations.

The measures taken are in accordance with Order No. 006/15/MAEP of January 28th, 2015, and fall within the framework of sustainable management of fishery resources.

During this biological rest period, it’s forbidden to fish, transport, or sell fish products from Lake Nangbéto.

Violators will be punished according to the law in force, warn the authorities. Fishermen are obliged to scrupulously adhere to this regulation.

Yoann Amouzou

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