International / New Variant of Covid-19, BA.2.86: Mutations Under High Surveillance

A new chapter has begun in the Covid-19 saga with the emergence of a worrying variant, BA.2.86. First detected in Israel, Denmark and the United States, this new variant of covid-19 has attracted the attention of experts around the world because of its “very large number” of mutations. The health authorities, in coordination with the World Health Organisation (WHO), are examining its characteristics and potential impact with concern.

The Spike gene is at the heart of this examination. This particular protein gives the virus its crown-shaped projections and enables it to insert itself into the body’s cells.

It is also the target of vaccines currently in circulation. BA.2.86 is characterised by more than 30 mutations in this gene, raising concerns about its transmissibility and possible resistance to immune defences.

The WHO recently classified this variant as a «variant under surveillance», reflecting the global caution surrounding it.

Although the impact of this new variant of Covid-19 remains unknown, it is clear that its rapid proliferation requires careful assessment.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States have also launched a close observation of this variant and have shared their findings on social platforms.

For the moment, only a few genetic sequences of this variant have been identified, with no obvious epidemiological link.

However, the scientific community is aware of the urgency of the situation.

The authorities are insisting on the need to continue monitoring, sequencing and sharing information in order to better understand and contain the development of the pandemic.

Denzel Koffi