Niger: Sparks of Crisis in West Africa / The Duel for Niger’s Destiny

The current Chairman of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Bola Tinubu, is facing growing opposition to a military intervention in Niger, which he is planning. This opposition was demonstrated by a massive vote in the Nigerian Senate, which resolutely opted for a diplomatic solution and dialogue over military intervention.

The resolution was also echoed by the Hausa people of Nigeria, who spoke out against any military initiative and pledged their support to the brotherly people of Niger in the event of an ECOWAS military intervention.

The French-sponsored ECOWAS-sponsored military intervention plan in Niger, presented by President Bola Tinubu, was intended to preserve their own interests at the expense of the people.

However, the Nigerian Senate’s response highlighted concerns about the consequences of such military action.

The parliamentarians place the stress on the importance of giving priority to diplomacy and dialogue to resolve regional disputes, highlighting the risks inherent in military escalation.

The diplomatic channel is being promoted not only within the Senate, but also among the Hausa people of Nigeria.

The Hausa people, who share close cultural, ethnic and historical ties with the people of Niger, have expressed their opposition to a military intervention by ECOWAS.

The demonstrations and public statements have clearly shown the rejection of war as a solution.

Ultimately, the situation underlines the importance of cooperation and communication within ECOWAS, as well as the need to take into account the concerns and opinions of the peoples of ECOWAS member States when important decisions are taken for the region as a whole.